Harris & Lee Environmental Sciences, LLC has served clients on a broad range of projects. We bring a depth and breadth of experience and knowledge that allows us to efficiently and effectively manage each project and anticipate issues that may arise.
We bring extensive experience working with local, state and federal regulatory agencies including California Occupational Safety Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) and Federal OSHA, California and Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Cal-EPA), Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), North Coast Region; RWQCB, San Francisco Region; and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and local oversight agencies in various counties and municipalities.
Project Examples Include:
Example 1: Closure of Corporate EHS Audit Findings for an Optics Company
Harris & Lee Environmental Sciences provided support for closure of corporate audit findings related to metals exposures to proprietary optics glass manufacturing processes as well as hazardous waste determination of waste streams.
The project was to be conducted over an approximate 3 month period in order to close the audit findings prior to the next scheduled audit. The scope of the programs completed for the site included:
- Job Hazard Analyses for the various manufacturing processes
- Industrial hygiene exposure monitoring for cadmium, arsenic and total dust for the manufacturing processes and formaldehyde for polymer machining
- Waste characterization (including sample collection and results analysis) for various waste streams
- Development and implementation of the site Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Program
- Development of an industrial ergonomics program
- Development of the site Injury, Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) inspection checklists and completion of the first round of IIPP site inspections
- Support and coordination for the site Laser Safety program
Example 2: Redevelopment Project: Phase I, Phase II, environmental risks, develop investigation and remediation cost projections, implementation of investigations including vapor, soils and groundwater sampling, groundwater monitoring well installation, development of remedial action plans and negotiations with regulatory agencies.
Redevelopment project for environmentally impacted site in Northern California. The property was the site of a former dry cleaner and an open Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) case for a former gasoline station. HLENV performed all environmental work to characterize and quantify environmental risks, develop investigation and remediation cost projections, implementation of investigations including vapor, soils and groundwater sampling, groundwater monitoring well installation, development of remedial action plans and negotiations with regulatory agencies including the North Coast – Regional Water Quality Control Board (NC-RWQCB). Project Work included:
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- Performing financial and environmental risk assessment to assist in purchase negotiations
- Phase II Environmental Site Investigations
- Development of numerous Work Plans
- Development of Remedial (Corrective) Action Plan
- Negotiations with NC-RWQCB